The chamois has exceptional eyesight and, like a goat, can run effortlessly over the most impossible terrain. Both sexes have short horns; an adult grows to around 50 kilograms and about 75 centimetres in height. Bucks are usually solitary animals, although they are sometimes found in small bachelor groups. With the onset of the rut in April they join the female family groups for about one month. During the mating season the older bucks become quite aggressive and intolerant of the younger males, driving them out.
Hunting the chamois requires good fitness, good eyes and an accurate shot over 200 metres-plus. Binoculars are an essential tool and a range finder is extremely helpful.
The gun of choice is a flat shooting rifle like a .222 or .223 caliber, fitted with a bi-pod as shots are often taken from a prone position. The chamois is highly prized as gourmet meat in Europe, although this is probably due to its rarity as opposed to its taste. Bringing the whole carcass home is often not practical due to the mountainous terrain; remove the hindquarters and the back-straps, hanging them in a cool place for at least 24 hours.



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